Increase in Speeding Fines
Speeding is one of the main causes of fatalities and collisions on our UK roads, this has resulted in a review of speeding fines to encourage better driving behaviour!
As many of you may already know from 24th April 2017 some speeding fines have been increased as the new guidelines came into force. The new guidelines give Magistrates in England and Wales more scope to give higher fines to Drivers. This in some cases can be the equivalent of 150% of your weekly income (capped at £2,500 for the motorway and £1,000 for other roads) and 6 penalty points on your driving licence which could lead to disqualification depending on how long you have held your licence/how many valid points you already hold.
This being said, Magistrates can also sentence outside of these guidelines depending on the seriousness of the speeding offence.
Speeding Facts:
- The risk of death is approximately four times higher when a pedestrian is hit at 40mph that at 30mph
- In 2013, 3,064 people were killed or seriously injured in crashed where speed was a factor
- Fatal accidents are four times more likely on rural ‘A’ roads as urban ‘A’ roads